How to remove Man Chest fat

Gynaecomastia surgery in Delhi

At plastic and cosmetic surgery clinic many men inquire about deposit of chest fat. When they visit clinic and consult with a cosmetic surgeon they describe their problem that they have unnatural deposits of chest fat. It is unnatural and they feel very uncomfortable. Some of them are looks healthy and some overweight. They describe that when they started gaining weight fat got deposited in their chest more than any other place. It usually happens at the age of 13-17 years. They stop participating in outdoor activity and wearing slim fit clothes.

How do most of men try to reduce chest fat

When these boys are questioned about what have you tried to reduce chest fat most of them answer about work out or aerobic exercise. But most of them find it almost in-effective in reducing their chest fat. Some of them even complain that after work out they found their chest more un-natural or women like so they stopped working out. 

Why do men have chest fat?

Chest fat is not a true entity. In real sense it is not fat but enlarged man breast gland. In case of overweight person, it is overlying fat on breast gland and most of men consider it as excess chest fat deposit. Men at the age of puberty notice enlargement in chest area and think it as fat deposit.
In real sense it is man breast gland which got enlarged and this condition is known as gynaecomastia or #malebreast. In some cases that are overweight besides breast gland there may be excess fat in chest.

How helpful is workout in removing chest fat?

Work out is helpful in those cases who have gained fat in all body area .They loss overall body weight and fat from all body area but no effect on enlarged chest due to increase in size of man breast.

What is the Right treatment for #chestfatreduction?

Work out is the right way to shed chest fat as from other body area. However, the #breast gland which does not respond to any work out is completely treated by Surgery. Surgery not only get you rid of this stressful problem but also give you nice chest shape. It is absolutely safe and painless plastic surgery. Your cosmetic surgeon will help you to achieve desired chest shape.

                                                                  Before                              After
How is the recovery after surgery?
After Surgery you are not supposed to take bed rest. You keep working your routine activity. You can join your office after 2 days your plastic surgeon will remove your dressing after 48 hour and you can take shower after that. Initially you have swelling for couple of weeks but everything recovers gradually and you get final results after 6 weeks.
According to protocol followed at our cosmetic surgery clinic we advise to work out after 8 week of surgery of #malebreast correction

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