How to get rid of Man Breasts Without Surgery

Man breast - Non Surgical Treatment

Men's breasts are known by many names including man breasts, gynaecomastia, puffy nipples, man boobs and moobs. This is an embarrassing condition of man, and the psychological effects of gynecomastia (the medical term for man breasts) can be devastating.

Can Gynecomastia be cured without surgery?

In this article we will discuss how successful are the different non-surgical gynecomastia treatments available and what you can achieve with these non surgical methods of men breast Reduction.
Gynaecomastia Treatment without surgery

Gynecomastia Effects:

Main impact on psychology of the Men with gynecomastia is loss of self esteem and development of a deep sense of shame about their body image. Most of them avoid taking their shirt off in public, outdoor games and usually dress in baggy clothes or slouch in an effort to hide their enlarged man breasts. Most men with this condition believe that to cure gynecomastia with Surgery is expensive and potentially dangerous.

Gynecomastia treatment without surgery?

In reality 9 out of 10 cases who come for consultation want any non surgical treatment instead of surgery to get rid of man breasts.
They want to reduce it through diet and exercise.  There are actually two different types of gynecomastia. One of them is known as pseudo-gynecomastia and is caused by excess chest fat rather than excess breast tissue.
This form of gynecomastia is found in obese young man and it is induced by poor diet and lack of adequate exercise.
However, in most of the other cases, man gynaecomastia or enlarged breast is not caused by any known reason. This is considered to be induced by a hormone imbalance between the ratio of testosterone and estrogen in your body.
One of the best ways to reduce the psedudogynaecomastia in your body is through weight lifting. Doing compound exercises that work for a large amount of the body's musculature and calories burning exercises have been proven to raise testosterone far better than isolation exercises. Isolated workout of one or two muscle groups will not be more beneficial. This is mainly caused by reduction in total body fat.

Gynecomastia Diet

Your diet also has a big effect on the amount of hormone level and fat deposit in your body. Eating junk foods, butter and avocados may not be good for man  breasts. Foods high in calories has been shown to decrease the amount of testosterone. Those who have large breast size due to fat deposition should aim to eat a combination of  green vegetables for fiber, high protein  diet and drink 6-8 glasses of water per day to help flush your system. Cutting down on the amount of processed fats and sugar, you eat will also help to restore the balance of hormones in your body and get rid of your man breasts.

Gynecomastia Exercise:

You can hide your man breast gynecomastia by increasing the size of the pectoral muscles.You must workout for chest muscles. Do not go for fat reduction exercises for your body. Big chest muscle and fat deposit will hide your gynecomastia.

In case of true gynaecomastia fat may be reduced up to certain extent by above methods but enlarged gland has no effect.
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