Sebaceous Cyst and Treatment

Skin Sebaceous Cyst and Its Treatment

Mr rajendra visited South Delhi Cosmetic Surgery Clinic for the treatment of a swelling on Face. This swelling was exactly near the left side of nose. He told that it was initially very small but keeps on increasing in size. Now it was approximately a grape size. He was not having any pain in this swelling. There was no sign of infection in this swelling. As a plastic surgeon when we examined it was found to be face cyst. We labeled it as a sebaceous cyst under the skin.

What is the sebaceous cyst?

A cyst is a soft tiny balloon like structure which is filled with fluid or cheese like structure. It has a wall and collected substance inside. Sebaceous cyst develops from the oil producing gland of the skin. These glands are called as sebaceous gland. These glands produce an oily substance known as sebum. Whenever external opening of the sebaceous gland gets blocked due to any reason, the sebum gets collected inside and this leads to a swelling below the skin.

Sebaceous Cyst before Surgery

Symptom of a sebaceous cyst

In most of the cases of sebaceous cyst main symptom is aesthetically unpleasant swelling on the face. These cysts are commonly present on cheek, nose, forehead and head. It begins with very small size, but keep on increasing progressively. It is usually round in shape. Skin over this swelling is smooth. In most of the cases a black dot is also seen in the center of this swelling. If the cyst is very large it distort the face structure.

What is the treatment of sebaceous cyst on face?

If a person is having a cyst on any part of the face, its best and most successful treatment is surgery. One should not do needle prick or compression or any kind of manipulation. Sebaceous cyst is completely removed by  face plastic surgery. A good facial plastic surgeon will give a small cut in the skin so that you get a very minimal scar. He will separate the cyst from surrounding tissue and remove completely.
Surgery of Sebaceous Cyst

Recovery after Cyst surgery

Recovery is very fast. You can wash your face next day. You may join the office next day. No bed rest is advised after sebaceous cyst surgery. All stitches are removed after 4-5 days.

Mr rajender feels delighted after cyst removal. He says that his face value has improved and he feels confident and like a normal person.

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