Am I suffering from Gynecomastia

Am I Suffering From Gynecomastia?

What should I Do?

This video gives you brief about the diagnosis of Gynecomastia.

Quickest Way To look 10 Years Younger

How To Look Younger than Your Age?

 Botox and Filler

 Everybody wants to look young and beautiful.To look young and fresh it is important that face should be free of wrinkles and must have adequate volume . When people grow old facial wrinkles appear and there is loss of face volume. Skin appear lax and develop folds and jowls due to sagging , laxity and volume loss. all these aging changes increase with age.

Botox and fillers are used to improve aesthetic appearance. Both of these substances are used for different purpose.

What Is Split Ear Lobe and Its Treatment?


Split Ear Lobe and Split Ear Lobe Treatment in Delhi

Split Ear Lobe Repair

Split Ear Lobe is a common problem affecting women. Ear lobe is part of ear which is pierced mostly by women and sometime men to wear ear rings. When this piercing of ear lobe becomes larger in size it is called as split ear lobe. Sometime lobe is completely torn.

 What Makes Ear Lobes split in women?

Usually ear lobe splitting happen in those women who are fond of wearing heavy ear ring. In In some of the cases it occur due to injury or accidental pulling of Sometime infection and allergic skin problem enhance the splitting of earlobe by ear rings.

Splitting of ear lobe mostly involve both sides of ear. In some cases it happens repeatedly.
Women find it difficult to wear ear ring in such lobule and they demand split ear lobe surgery.

What is Split Ear Lobe Repair Treatment?

Best method of Ear lobe correction is surgery. It is a small painless surgery. In this surgery plastic surgeon make the ear lobe numb and repair lobe in two layers. Split ear lobule repair is done by very fine stitches so that there is almost invisible scar. Repaired ear lobe heals within 5-7 days.

After care of ear lobe correction Surgery

After surgery small dressing is applied on the ear. This dressing is kept for two to three days. After 48 hours one can take bath. Stitches are removed after 4 days. There is no need to take off from your work.

Split Ear Lobe Repair Surgery
Before After Ear Lobe Repair

 Is there any Complication of Ear Lobe Surgery?

Ear lobe surgery is a safe surgery it is not associated with any major complication or side effects. There is little bit of swelling after treatment but it disappear within few days.

 When can one get Re-piercing of Ear Lobule?

Re-piercing will be done after 3 week of surgery. It is preferable to make piercing at different point than previous point.

Does Skin Glue Work Better For Split Ear Lobe Correction?

Skin Glue help in joining skin only and deeper tissue left non-united. If deeper tissue is also repaired along with skin then result will be much better.

For Further Info visit at

How To Reduce Big Nose By Plastic Surgery

Long Nose or Big Nose Rhinoplasty Surgery| Big Nose Reduction Surgery Delhi, India

Nose job plastic Surgery

Rhinoplasty is a kind of plastic and cosmetic surgery treatment of nose which is performed to modify the shape of nose.

Rhino means Nose + Plasty means Reshaping

What is Long and Big Nose?

Many people who are visiting plastic surgery clinic, demand correction of their long nose or big nose. Long nose may or may not have nose hump. Whenever there is nose hump nose looks over-projected.

What makes Nose Big?

Nose shape is determined by the cartilage and bone. If cartilage and bone are bigger or longer in size then nose appear longer in size or have nose hump.

How to perform long nose correction surgery?

Nose Plastic surgeon does rhinoplasty surgery to reduce nose length. He does it by open rhinoplasty surgery. Open rhinoplasty means nose skin is separated and elevated above the cartilage and bone of nose.
Long cartilage and bones are reduced in size and their shape is modified to improve the nose shape and size.

Big or Long Nose Rhinoplasty
Before After Big Nose surgery

What is the risk of long nose surgery?

Long nose surgery is not associated with any major complication. It may have swelling, minor bleeding and bluish discoloration of skin.

How To Remove Forehead Injury skin Scar ?

Forehead Injury Scar Removal Surgery Delhi

Forehead Scar Removal Plastic Surgery

Mr Waseem presented with a bad scar on forehead. It caused aesthetic problem to him. He was very much concerned with bad appearance of face. According to him this scar was affecting his personality. He was advised for surgical treatment of scar. he was informed that scar can be improved 

Various types of injuries produce different types of scar on face and other body part. Every injury heal by some type of scar. Various types of scar produced depends how bad is the injury.
Various types of injuries are burn injury, assault, road side of accident, cut injury.
Bad scar are produced because of various factors . few of them are
1. Deep injury
2. skin loss
3. Infection
4. Badly treated injury
5. Bad surgery planning

Scar revision Plastic surgery is the option to improve scar greatly. Later on laser treatment can also be done to further improve it.

Mr waseem was operated and scar revision plastic surgery was done . It was done by making the forehead numb. Scar removed and it healed very well . There was no complication after surgery.

For Further query regarding scar removal  Plastic Surgery  write us at or call at 011-26276580

Liposuction of Calf

Liposuction Of Calf | Liposuction of Calf  Reduction in Delhi

Liposuction of Calf

Liposuction of calf is demanded by few of person mainly by women these days. Usually liposuction of tummy, thigh, hip and arm is demanded. Few of women has slim upper body but they have bulky calves. These women are often willing to undergo liposuction treatment of calf.

Calf and lower leg have a well defined shape  in both man and women. In some people when there is fat deposition which hides its curves then it looks aesthetically unpleasant. Calf appear bulky and club shaped. This is also called as Lipodystrophy of leg.  Liposuction of calf can reduce and reshape the calf. 

Calf reduction surgery is done by liposuction. "Liposuction of calf" is a day care procedure. Day care mean you need not to get admitted in hospital for more than few hours. This treatment should be done by experienced plastic and cosmetic surgeon only. Calf liposuction is done under local anesthesia in this only calf area becomes numb. This is commonly called as tumescent anesthesia.

Who is not the right candidate for calf Liposuction?

     Some people who have tendency of rapid blood clotting or who had episode of blood coagulation in leg veins or inflammation of veins are not the right candidate for liposuction of calf. People who have long standing leg swelling  and  varicose vein problem are not good candidate.

What is Post Liposuction care of Leg?

        After Liposuction of calf you are advised to wear special stockings to wear. These stockings are called as pressure garment. You are advised to wear it for couple of months. It helps in reducing post liposuction swelling of leg. You should avoid prolong standing. 

What are the risks with calf reduction liposuction?

     As every procedure or invasive treatment is associated with few complication or risk factors so is liposuction of calf. Tenderness and skin bruises are short term side effects. Leg edema is main side effect which may persist for few months. It needs a good post treatment care. 

For further query about the liposuction of calf visit at or contact us at 9811827580