How To Remove Forehead Injury skin Scar ?

Forehead Injury Scar Removal Surgery Delhi

Forehead Scar Removal Plastic Surgery

Mr Waseem presented with a bad scar on forehead. It caused aesthetic problem to him. He was very much concerned with bad appearance of face. According to him this scar was affecting his personality. He was advised for surgical treatment of scar. he was informed that scar can be improved 

Various types of injuries produce different types of scar on face and other body part. Every injury heal by some type of scar. Various types of scar produced depends how bad is the injury.
Various types of injuries are burn injury, assault, road side of accident, cut injury.
Bad scar are produced because of various factors . few of them are
1. Deep injury
2. skin loss
3. Infection
4. Badly treated injury
5. Bad surgery planning

Scar revision Plastic surgery is the option to improve scar greatly. Later on laser treatment can also be done to further improve it.

Mr waseem was operated and scar revision plastic surgery was done . It was done by making the forehead numb. Scar removed and it healed very well . There was no complication after surgery.

For Further query regarding scar removal  Plastic Surgery  write us at or call at 011-26276580

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