Quickest Way To look 10 Years Younger

How To Look Younger than Your Age?

 Botox and Filler

 Everybody wants to look young and beautiful.To look young and fresh it is important that face should be free of wrinkles and must have adequate volume . When people grow old facial wrinkles appear and there is loss of face volume. Skin appear lax and develop folds and jowls due to sagging , laxity and volume loss. all these aging changes increase with age.

Botox and fillers are used to improve aesthetic appearance. Both of these substances are used for different purpose.

Botox is a neurotoxin which help to reduce the hyperactivity of muscles. It is used for those wrinkle correction which appear with muscle action . These wrinkles are called as dynamic wrinkles for example crows feet and forehead wrinkles. It soften the facial expression by relaxing the muscles . It is given by injection. 

Fillers as the name suggest is a substance which is used to fill an area. These are used to correct deep folds in face skin and enhance the face volume so that one would look younger.This is also given by injection . Most commonly used filler is hyaluronic acid.

 Most of the time both are used simultaneously to improve the result.

Once injected effect of these filler and Botox will persist for few months

There is no long term side effect of fillers and Botox. Initially one may have swelling and bruises at the site of injection.

Before going for these treatment one should discuss with a good plastic surgeon .You must discuss about duration of their effect, side effect, benefit and cost of Botox and Fillers

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